Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
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Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Security - Investigation - Consulting - Homeland Security Training and Certification Institute
Military Service Members Transition Program (MSMTP)
Designed with the needs and interests of the military person and their spouse in mind, based in Maryland, C4SEM's Military Service Members Transition Program (MSMTP) provides full spectrum of academic and industry driven vocational /certificate education and training coupled with employment services worldwide to reduce post service unemployment.
In addition, the Center for Security and Emergency Management will grant C4SEM Certification Program scholarships to 12 of our country’s Wounded Warriors. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of financial need and performance and will focus on heroes who are seeking advancement or new skills.
“We understand the past year has been extremely difficult for so many families,” says Dr. Rastakhiz, C4SEM Chairman, Board of Directors. In keeping with our fallen heroes C4SEM will initiate an annual scholarship in support of our troops and for the advancement of those professionals working in four primary disciplines: counter terrorism, criminal justice, emergency management and security. The scholarship will include the cost of training, course materials and the certification exam. Upon completion of the certification program, the individuals will receive assistance from the Office of Placement Services in determining next steps and establishing a detailed action plan for job placement.
“Many of our heroes who devoted their time and made sacrifices to preserve our constitutional form of government deserve much more. It is the duty of every American to support our troops, especially those who need us the most. These young men and women are the best of the bests and the every day sacrifices made by these individuals is the kind of selflessness our nation was built upon.”
Our objective is clear: to create a workforce for the field of counter terrorism, criminal justice, emergency management and security by teaching those with proven track records, foundation and the knowledge required to be Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).
C4SEM's Military Service Members Transition Program (MSMTP) includes:
Career Assessment
Training and Certification
Job search seminar includes the latest information on resume writing, effective networking techniques, impactful interviewing practice, up to date tips for seeing employment and a list of industries having most growth in our current economic climate.
Resume & Cover Letter Writing Workshop
Have Your Resume Critiqued
Job Fair Prep Workshop
Interview and Salary Negotiations Workshop
Get Career Exploration
Job Search Assistance and Placement
Quick 8 Tips for Developing Skills You Can Use Outside the Military
Unlike those college-level basket-weaving courses, military experience can help prepare you for a civilian job down the line. The military allows every service member to enter with virtually no skills and leave with an array of skills needed in the civilian job market. It's never too early to start thinking about your future and what will make you more marketable to a civilian employer. When interviewing for a civilian job your military experience can be your most appealing qualification. Know how to sell your military skills to a potential employer in ways they will understand. Here are 8 tips to develop skills you can use outside the military:
Find the right civilian job for you.
Consider what will be marketable in the future — Maybe you've always dreamed of performing dog root canals or baking gluten-free wedding cakes. Whatever your dream, choose a military career field that will help get you there. Even if the skills are loosely related it will be a good start to your civilian job transition.
Decide whether to try to change your career path — If your military career path doesn't align with your ultimate goals, consider changing directions. Your unit's career planner or career counselor can provide more information on changing your career field.
Consider assessment testing — Don't wait until retirement time to test your skills. Your installation military and family support center, Transition Assistance Program, or Army Career and Alumni Program can help you find out if you're best suited to be a prima ballerina or a stockbroker.
Pursue your education — Education is a major benefit of military service. College degrees and military leadership courses can help build a solid resume.
Learn to communicate - Most people would rather swim in a bathtub full of tarantulas than speak in front of a crowd, but public speaking will become easier with time and experience. Volunteer to give briefs to commanders on your unit's activities or participate in any other public speaking you can. Sell your unit's accomplishments and build skills you can use to land yourself a civilian job later.
Find a mentor — You're not the first to transition from a military to a civilian career, so use the knowledge in your community. Find a military mentor who can help you find the right military schools or advise you on the best jobs or duty stations to advance your career. A civilian mentor in your field can help you keep abreast of trends outside the military including information that can help guide your career inside the military.
Volunteer — Strap on your volunteer fire-fighting gear, serve up sports drinks at the Special Olympics, or tutor students struggling with isosceles triangles. Volunteering can help you get your foot in the door of a great civilian gig, especially if you're taking a drastic turn with your occupational choice.
Obtain required licenses and certifications — Many military certifications don't transfer readily to the civilian world (bummer) but it may be easier to attain a corresponding civilian license or certification while you're still in the military. For more information on civilian certification and licensing, visit the Army COOL, Navy COOL, US Air Force COOL, and USAMC COOL programs.
ATTN: Employers! Find out Why Hiring Veterans Makes DOLLARS!
By James Galligan (Owner, Strategic Consulting Alliances, LLC)
1. Accelerated Learning Curve: Veterans have the proven ability to learn new skills and concepts. In addition, they can enter your workforce with identifiable and transferable skills, proven in real-world situations. This background can enhance your organization’s productivity.
2. Leadership: The military trains people to lead by example as well as through direction, delegation, motivation, and inspiration. Veterans understand the practical ways to manage behaviors for results, even in the most trying circumstances. They also know the dynamics of leadership as part of both hierarchical and peer structures.
3. Teamwork: Veterans understand how genuine teamwork grows out of a responsibility to one’s colleagues. Military duties involve a blend of individual and group productivity. They also necessitate a perception of how groups of all sizes relate to each other and an overarching objective.
4. Diversity and Inclusion in Action: Veterans have learned to work side by side with individuals regardless of diverse race, gender, geographic origin, ethnic background, religion, and economic status as well as mental, physical, and attitudinal capabilities. They have the sensitivity to cooperate with many different types of individuals.
5. Efficient performance under pressure: Veterans understand the rigors of tight schedules and limited resources. They have developed the capacity to know how to accomplish priorities on time, despite tremendous stress. They know the critical importance of staying with a task until it is done right.
6. Respect for procedures: Veterans have gained a unique perspective on the value of accountability. They can grasp their place within an organizational framework, becoming responsible for subordinates’ actions at higher supervisory levels. They know how policies and procedures enable an organization to exist.
7. Technology and globalization: Because of their experiences in the service, veterans are usually aware of international and technical trends pertinent to business and industry. They can bring the kind of global outlook and technological savvy that all enterprises of any size need to succeed.
8. Integrity: Veterans know what it means to do “an honest day’s work.” Prospective employers can take advantage of a track record of integrity, often including security clearances. This integrity translates into qualities of sincerity and trustworthiness.
9. Conscious of health and safety standards: Thanks to extensive training, veterans are aware of health and safety protocols both for themselves and the welfare of others. Individually, they represent a drug-free workforce that is cognizant of maintaining personal health and fitness. On a company level, their awareness and conscientiousness translate into the protection of employees, property, and materials.
10. Triumph over adversity: In addition to dealing positively with the typical issues of personal maturity, veterans have frequently triumphed over great adversity. They likely have proven their mettle in mission-critical situations demanding endurance, stamina, and flexibility. They may have overcome personal disabilities through strength and determination.