Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Security - Investigation - Consulting - Homeland Security Training and Certification Institute
Certified Emergency Management Specialist (CEMS)
The certificate in Emergency Management (CEMS) is designed as a "stand-alone" certification or can serve as a "step-up" program into the Certified Counter Terrorism Specialist (CCTS) or Certified Homeland Security Manager (CHSM) program for candidates who have expertise in disaster preparedness, planning and response, bioterrorism preparedness, and WMD are eligible for this certification program.
(6 Courses )
(18 units) 600 Series Certification
Minimum Experience: 4 years
Exam: Required
*Core Courses:
- Four C4SEM-EM Courses
*Elective Courses:
- One C4SEM-SEC Course
- One C4SEM-CT Course
Sector-Specific Courses:
IS 546.a: Continuity of Operations Awareness Course
IS 547.a: Introduction to Continuity of Operations
IS 242. a or equivalent E/L/G course: Effective Communication
Complete one of the following:
E/L/G 548 or IS 548: Continuity of Operations Program Managers T-t-T Course
G 549: Continuity of Operations Program Manager Course
MGT 331 University of Maryland Preparing the States Continuity Course
Complete one of the following:
E/L/G 550 or IS 524: Continuity of Operations Planner’s T-t-T Workshop
L 552: Continuity of Operations for Tribal Government Course
Complete one of the following:
IS 100.b: Intro to Incident Command System (ICS)
ICS 100: Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS)
ICS 200: Incident Command System (ICS)
IS 200.b: Incident Command System (ICS) for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
E/L 549 or IS 545: Reconstitution Planning Workshop
IS 248: Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) for the American Public
IS 230.d: Fundamentals of Emergency Management or equivalent E/L/G course: Principles of Emergency Management
IS 700.a: Intro to National Incident Management System (NIMS)
IS 800.b: A National Response Framework (NRF), An Introduction
Complete one of the following:
IS 120.a: Introduction to Exercises
E 136: Exercise Development Course (limited to EMI Resident MEPP candidates)
IS 139: Exercise Design
E/L 547: Continuity Exercise Design Course (CEDC)
Complete one of the following:
E/L 554: Pandemic Influenza (PI) Determined Accord Workshop
IS 520: Introduction to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas and IS 522: Exercising Continuity Plans for Pandemic Course (both Independent Study courses are required)
E/L 553 or IS 523: Resilient Accord Cyber Security Planning Workshop
E/L 556 or IS 525: Guardian Accord Terrorism Awareness Workshop
E/L 557 or IS 526: MEF Workshop
* (This doesn’t apply to applicants who meet the certification exam requirements and are accepted candidates under VA LACAS and Military COOL programs)