Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Critical Infrastructure & High Value Assets Protection
Protective Services
Security - Investigation - Consulting - Homeland Security Training and Certification Institute
Certified Anti-Corruption Specialist (CACS)
The Certified Anti-Corruption Specialist certification is designed as a "stand-alone" certification. Anti-Corruption training and Certification aims to help government officials and employees, legislators, attorneys, and law enforcement officers a better understanding of corruption and how to prevent or avoid it. This certificate is also designed to meet specific training needs and is highly recommended for, investigators, law enforcement officers, attorneys, individuals in high-risk positions, program managers, and officials who need detailed guidance on how to spot and report potential violations within an organization.
(9 units)
500 Series Certification
Minimum Experience: 5 years
Certification Exam: Required
Topics to be covered will include:
What constitutes corruption, who may be liable for corruption, and how it may be avoided
The types of corruption (e.g. bribery, fraud, cartels)
Identifying corruption and its symptoms
Correlation between corruption and crime and or other unethical activities
Strategy for fighting corruption and building public confidence, through effective policy and enforcement
Root cause analyses: extortion, financial crime, tackling fraud, transnational crime and money laundering, etc
understanding how many different circumstances in which corruption may impact an organization
guidance on "red flags" which would warn the employee about likely corrupt conduct
guidance on what to do when confronted with corruption
the reporting procedures for employees
the investigatory and disciplinary procedure
Establishing an anti-corruption agency within an organization
Aid and corruption, and measuring the effectiveness of projects
Ethics Roles:
organization's anti-corruption policy
policy on gifts and hospitality policy on facilitation payments